Grow with me

Herb of the Month: Lemon Balm

I pretty much love anything with a lemon taste and smell and lemon balm is no exception. This lemony leaf smells amazing and tastes pretty good in my tea. Not just as a thrown-in to my tea, but as a star ingredient when making an herbal tea with the dried

Herb of the Month: Lemongrass

Lemongrass has got to be one of my favorite flavors. If there is lemongrass it, I love it – soup, tea, candy, essential oils, candles shampoo, or soap. Just the lemony smell transcends me to a happy place. Lemongrass is easy to grow. You can grow it in a large

Herb of the Month: Anise (Hyssop)

Not everyone is a fan of anise because of the black licorice taste and smell, but I love it, as well as the neighborhood bees. This herb is so easy to grow. Maybe too easy. Anise can practically grow on it’s own once planted, and anise has been known to

Herb of the Month: Chamomile

The first thing that comes to mind when I think about chamomile is Sleepy Time Tea. Although, it really does not make me sleepy. But, my favorite trait of the chamomile plant is that it is from the daisy family and looks like tiny little daisies. Daisies are my happy

Herb of the Month: Oregano

Oregano is one of those herbs that does not get enough credit. It can turn a plain old blah tomato sauce into a delectable marinara sauce or pizza sauce (and yes, there is a difference). Oregano gives that extra punch of earthy, bold flavor. Trying to eat fresh oregano may

Herb of the Month: Cilantro

What can I say about cilantro? Well… It is definitely NOT my husband’s favorite. We have Thai food just about every week, and he does not like when they put cilantro in his food. I have found that many people actually do not like cilantro. Who knew? I can say

Herb of the Month: Bay Laurel (bay leaf)

I think that the bay leaf is the most forgotten herb. I say this because nobody ever speaks of the bay leaf. Other herbs like cilantro, mint, and parsley get all the spotlight. The bay leaf is kind of an afterthought if you think about it, but hopefully I will

Herb of the Month: Basil

I chose basil as the herb for February, because basil is the herb of love. This herb is extremely fragrant, and there is a very distinct aroma between the varieties of basil. Absolutely a favorite in the garden and the kitchen. Health Benefits A health benefit of basil should be

Herb of the Month: Sage

Sage has such an amazing and powerful scent. It is one of my favorite smelling herbs from the garden and a necessity when I brine my Thanksgiving turkey. But this mysterious herb has an interesting history. Going back to prehistoric times, Sage has been used to ward off evil and

Herb of the Month: Thyme

Thyme is a favorite herb of mine. This herb smells and tastes so good! And, because of the holidays, I thought I would feature thyme this month. I do not make a steak or turkey without it. Health Benefits Thyme is probably one of the better herbs to help you

About Me

Michelle Mitchell-Brown

I’m a wife and a pug mom of two with a passion to plant seeds, watch my babies grow, and create amazing garden to table recipes to share!
